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Honey is a healthy product often sought after during the Covid-19 pandemic. This is one factor that increases the number of honeys produced by SMEs. During 2019-2021, there was an increase in the number of requests for honey sample testing by business actors at the food chemical testing laboratory at the Indonesia FDA Provincial Office in Jambi. This study aims to determine honey's quality profile by testing the diastase enzyme's activity using a UV-Vis Spectrophotometer. This research is a retrospective experimental analysis to provide an overview of test results related to honey quality by observing the diastase enzyme's activity in honey. The test data were processed using SPSS 16 to determine the percentage of samples that met the requirements (MS) and did not meet the requirements (TMS). Then the data were analyzed by quantitative descriptive using a histogram comparison between honey samples with MS and TMS in 2019-2021. According to the Indonesian National Standard (SNI)-8664:2018, good honey has a diastase enzyme activity of at least 3 Diastase numbers (DN). A total of 84 samples tested showed that 78.6% is MS with diastase enzyme activity between 3 DN to 28 DN, and 21.4% is TMS. However, based on the data, it is known that the number of TMS samples has decreased. Strengthening cooperation between Indonesia FDA Provincial Office POM in Jambi and stakeholders is important to assist local honey businesses in improving the quality of their products. It includes assisting the honey harvesting process and controlling the temperature and pH of the environment to maintain the content of enzymes, vitamins, and minerals.
Article Details
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Akuba, J., & Pakaya, M. S. (2020). Uji aktivitas enzim diastase madu hutan mentah gorontalo sebagai imunomodulator. Pharmaceutical Journal of Islamic Pharmacy, 4(2), 30–34.
BSN. Badan Standardisasi Nasional, 2018. SNI 8664:2018. Syarat Mutu dan Cara Uji Madu. BSN: Jakarta.
Guelpa, A., Marini, F., Slabbert, R., & Manley, M. (2017). Veri fi cation of authenticity and fraud detection in South African honey using NIR spectroscopy. Food Control, 73, 1388–1396.
Harjo, S. S. T., Radiati, L. E., & Rosyidi, D. (2015). Perbandingan madu karet dan madu rambutan berdasarkan kadar air, aktivitas enzim diastase dan hidroximetilfurfural (HMF). Jurnal Ilmu Dan Teknologi Hasil Ternak, 10(1), 18–21.
Herdiman, H., Sugiarto, C., Ryanto, A. C., Anatomi, B., Kedokteran, F., Maranatha, U. K., Klinik, B. P., Kedokteran, F., Maranatha, U. K., Kedokteran, F., Maranatha, U. K., Prof, J., Suria, D., Mph, S., & Bandung, N. (n.d.). Comparison of the effectivity between forest honey and farm honey in reducing fasting blood glucose on male.
Lastriyanto, A., & Cahyani, S. A. (2021). Analisis Kandungan Enzim Diastase Pada Madu Singkong Hasil Proses Vacuum Evaporation Dan Vacuum Cooling. Pasundan Food Technology Journal, 8(2), 34–37.
Madigan, M. T., Martinko, J. M., & Parker, J. (2012). Brock biology of microorganisms 13th Edition. Boston:Pearson.Tersedia dalam
Penelitian, U., Pengabdian, D. A. N., Masyarakat, K., Negeri, P., & Pandang, U. (2017). Seminar nasional hasil penelitian 2017. November, 7–8
Suhandy, D., & Yulia, M. (2020). Klasifikasi Madu Berdasarkan Jenis Lebah ( Apis dorsata versus Apis mellifera ) Menggunakan Spektroskopi Ultraviolet dan Kemometrika ( Classification of Honey Based on Honeybee Types ( Apis dorsata versus Apis mellifera ) Using Ultraviolet Spectroscopy and Chemometrics ). 25(4), 564–573.
Sukmawati, A. E., Surachman, E., & Purnamasari, D. (2017). Jurnal teknologi dan seni kesehatan. SANITAS: Jurnal Teknologi Dan Seni Kesehatan, 08(02), 80–86.
Sukmawati, Noor, A., & Firdaus. (2015). Quality Analysis of Honey Mallawa Parameters Based On Physical Chemistry. Ind. J. Chem. Res, 3(2008), 259–262.